Dress Code

The Senegalese will judge visitors on the way they look. Smart, conservative dress is important, as is attention to the finer details of grooming. However hot and humid the weather, you will lose a local’s respect if you appear unkempt.

For important meetings, men should wear a formal, dark business suit. In the hotter months, a suit of a more lightweight material such as linen is acceptable. A collared shirt is necessary and for initial meetings at least, a tie, regardless of the heat. In an office, men will remove their jackets. Short-sleeved shirts are acceptable.

Outside a business setting, more relaxed clothing is acceptable although bear in mind that Senegal is a largely Muslim country and baring too much flesh is offensive.

Women should also dress smartly, with both long skirts and trousers being acceptable. Tight or revealing clothes should generally be avoided, as should ostentatious jewellery; Senegal is a poor country and drawing attention to your wealth is insensitive.


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